The time has come for me to move forward with my plans to go to
Kenya. I have been approved by Samaritan’s Purse to serve for two years, and
the Kenya Society of Physiotherapists has accepted me. There have been a lot waiting on this final approval
and now time to get things done. What are these things you may ask? There are two main things: training and
The training is related to
the mission field. I have just completed
a week long course in Calgary called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement
– I highly recommend this course to anyone looking into missions, (it is
offered all around North America). I will also be taking five weeks of training
on learning how to interact with other cultures and how to learn language.
Support-raising is my other project. Support-raising goes by many
names fundraising, friend raising etc. I need support in two ways: prayer and
financial. It will take these two things to sustain me for the time I am in
Kenya. I ask for your help in this. For information on how to give either read
the next blog post or click on the donation link on the side of the page. Thank you.