Tuesday, April 17, 2012

In Kenya

So here I am in warm and humid Kenya. The trip here went fine. The most exciting parts being getting to the airport in Calgary – really snowy and white-outs in April, and arriving in Nairobi. The middle part was a boring long plane ride full of airplane food, a good movie selection and failed attempts at studying. Coming over the desert was pretty and we saw the sun set. My seat mate, who was at the window, took a great picture for me.

Once I arrived at Nairobi I knew what was coming – the Visa line. So I got into line as quick as I could and I waited. I have a unique talent of always picking the slowest line, so an hour later I got the stamp on my passport and I was off to find my luggage. This had its own challenges as the power had just gone out so I pulled out my little pen light and found all my bags – they thankfully all made it. The advantage of the power being out was the customs people did not feel like looking through all my luggage (~200lbs). From here I met my driver and we took off to the Mayfield guest house, my home for my week in Nairobi.

Sunday was a great day. I spent the afternoon with my friend Patti. I have not seen her in over a year and it was great to spend some time with her. She also had fun taking me around Nairobi and watching me attempt to interact with the culture around me. Let’s just say she has some fun stories.

On Monday I met with the Physiotherapy Department at Kenya Medical Training College. We confirmed my exam date.  It has gone from what I first thought was a two day oral exam to a one morning written exam. I am okay with this. I was also able to tell him I specialize in things above the diaphragm so he promised to not test me on the rest. J
I will end my post here.  Please pray for me as I write this exam Wednesday morning.

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